Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing or the art of building long-term relationships is now a key element of any modern, digital marketing strategy.

Social media means that we now engage with contacts at a much earlier stage in the ‘sales process.’ Contacts who would previously been ‘qualified out’ because they weren’t ‘ready to buy’ are now viewed as valuable assets to be developed and ‘nurtured’ through a longer and more involved sales pipeline or funnel.

Remember, if you don’t nurture an early contact and simply let them go, your competitors may well nurture them.


In essence, lead nurturing is all about how to build a meaningful relationship with someone who is not necessarily an obvious and immediate customer. The objective being that should they become ‘ready to buy’ they already trust and respect your business, which makes the final sales process easier.

Lead nurturing relies upon an effective content management strategy, i.e. the development of targeted content that can be used to engage with your early ‘leads’ that add value to them and influences their opinion of you.

Over the years, I’ve managed lead nurturing activities in different forms, but in all cases it’s important to be:

  • Targeted – this can not be a scatter-gun process
  • Personalised – talk directly to your contacts
  • Be imaginative – one size rarely fits all and different types of content work in different ways
  • Be regular, but not ‘troublesome.’

Today, it’s all about the relationship and leveraging the relationship to generate sales.

So if you need a new perspective or a additional willing pair of hands then I’d love to help.

I can offer support with most marketing activities, including:

If you’d like to find out a little more about me, then please get in touch.